Weekly Bulletin: Sunday, March 30, 2025
Our Enduring Hope
#13 - persistent Resistance (1st Peter 5:10-11)
family life pastor - arnaldo concepcion
Click here for sermon notes.
We’re glad you’re here! We are so honored you have joined us in worship today! Oak Park is a non-denominational family of Christians seeking to be Christ-centered and Bible-honoring. Click here for more information about our heritage, core values, and beliefs.
Because of Jesus, you matter to God and to us.
Click here to fill out a Connection Card so we can meet you and assist you on your spiritual journey.
Click here to share your Prayer Praises and/or Requests. Oak Park is a praying church and our people want the opportunity to “rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15).
We love your kids & youth!
Children’s Ministry (birth-6th grade) meets on Sunday mornings at 10 am with age-appropriate teachings and activities. Parents, please check your children in at the CM Check-In Kiosk.
OPS: Oak Park Students (7th-12th grade) meet on Sunday evenings, 5 - 7 pm in the Student Worship Center Classroom (Fellowship Hall).
We worship together through . . .
Singing Praise: We lift our voices in honor of God for who He is, what He has done, and what He will do. Feel free to stand or sit, sing along, or simply listen.
Biblical Teaching: We believe the Bible is God’s Word to us, teaching us how to know Him better and live for Him more devotedly.
Spiritual Commitment and Communion: If you are a Christian and want to participate in the Lord’s Supper, please do so after focusing your heart and mind on Jesus’ sacrifice for your sins (Luke 22:17-20).
Giving Back to God: The Bible instructs us to give cheerfully and willingly (2 Corinthians 9:7). If you would like to experience the joy that comes from giving back to God, please do so as an act of worship and devotion to the Lord. Click here for more ways you can give.
Prayer: Following the service, our pastors and elders are available at the front of the auditorium for prayer, to answer questions, to help you in your spiritual growth, or contact the church office to speak to a pastor.
Ways to Serve the Oak Park Family
You can serve the Oak Park family in many ways, on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. Currently, the Children's Ministry is in specific need of helpers and teachers. If you would like a staff member to contact you, please click here.
On-Campus Community Groups & Bible Studies
Sunday, 9 - 9:45 am Adult Bible class, facilitated by Carl Bockhahn, meets at OPCC in the “Yellow Classroom” in the Children’s Ministry area.
Sunday, 5 - 7 pm, OPS: Oak Park Students with Pastor Ace for all 7th-12th graders meets weekly at OPCC in the Fellowship Hall. Dinner is included.
Second Tuesday of the month, 12 am - 1:30 pm, Young at Heart Seniors Ministry; meets in the OPCC Fellowship Hall. All seniors are welcome! This monthly gathering will include lunch (please bring your own), singing, a time of teaching, and praying for one another. To RSVP or arrange for a ride, click here.
Tuesday, Moms in Prayer, 10 - 11 pm; facilitated by Lisa Gray; meets at OPCC in the “Yellow Classroom” in the Children’s Ministry area.
Wednesday, 6:30-7:15 pm: Prayer for the Nation; facilitated by Mike Stewart and Bill Stebbins, meets at OPCC in the “Yellow Classroom” in the Children’s Ministry area.
Friday, 6 - 8 pm, Prayer Group; meets in the OPCC Fellowship Hall. All are welcome. Come for a bit or the whole time. Even if you don’t like praying out loud, come and agree with us.
Third Saturday of the month, 8 - 9:30 am, B3: Bible-Bacon-Brotherhood meets in the OPCC Fellowship Hall. All men, high school-aged and older are welcome to a time of fellowship, teaching, and of course, bacon! RSVP here so we know how much food to cook!
Note: Contact our Small Groups Pastor Jonathan Gray at Jonathan@oakparkchristian.org for more information.
Off-Campus Community Groups & Bible Studies this week
Tuesday, 6:30 - 8 pm Adult Community Group, meets in Nipomo, facilitated by Connie Tunks.
Wednesday, 6 pm Women’s Discipleship Group, meets in Grover Beach and includes dinner, facilitated by Katie Mendoza and Fran Walker. A Spirit lead time of sharing God’s Word and life experiences while developing connections in a safe, prayer-filled space.
Note: Contact our Small Groups Pastor Jonathan Gray at Jonathan@oakparkchristian.org for more information.
Upcoming Events (Click here for details)
Fifth Sunday Fellowship Meal, Sunday, March 30, right after gathered worship in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome!
Hot Dog Sunday, Sunday, April 6, everyone is invited to join us following the worship gathering for a bite to eat and enjoy a time of fellowship in the upper parking lot (Lot A).
Women’s Breakfast, Saturday, April 12, 9-11 am in the Fellowship Hall. All women are encourage to attend. Childcare will be provide. If interested, signup sheets are in the foyer or contact Lisa Gray for more info at lisajoygray@gmail.com.
All Church Work Day, Saturday, April 12, 10:30am. Be a part of our annual Spring Clean Up. Lunch will be provided. If interested, contact Jonanthan Gray for more info at jonathan@oakparkchristian.org.
Follow our Facebook and Instagram page featuring our Lead Pastor Mike. Search: Oak Park Christian Church