tithing & Offering

Tithing is our opportunity to show God that He is first in our lives. James 1:17 says, “every good and perfect gift is from above …,” so we have an opportunity to tangibly show God He is the “owner” of our finances by bringing back to Him the first of what He gives us.

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We want Oak Park Christian Church to be known as a generous church because we serve a God who has been so generous with us. We know that we have been blessed so that we can bless others. Our giving is a reflection of a generous heart full of faith, trust, and gratefulness.

We would ask that you prayerfully consider making a recurring gift as a way to partner with us in helping people who are far from God find life in Jesus.


With the convenience of Recurring Giving you can establish a giving schedule that is both consistent and comfortable for your budget. Consider the benefits of knowing your gifts to the church are automatically handled each month. Whether you’re on vacation or simply forgot to bring your wallet to church, your commitment to supporting Oak Park Christian Church continues.

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Text an amount to:(805) 500-2237

Simply text the amount you'd like to give to this number. First time givers will be prompted to provide their payment method via a secure web page.