Newcomers' Dinner
Our philosophy has always been, “If you’re here, you’re family.” But we do have an actual, recognized membership for those who want to make their partnership with Oak Park more official. If you would like to know more about what makes Oak Park tick and get answers to specific questions regarding the faith or the church, please join us! Dinner and childcare will be provided
Please click here to register.

Young at Heart Seniors Ministry
All seniors are invited to a time of fellowship. Invite a friend!! Please bring your own lunch - Oak Park will provide dessert and beverages.

Moms in Prayer
All women with a heart for prayer are invited to this weekly gathering. By prayer, confession, thanksgiving, and intercession we will see breakthrough in our schools. Contact Lisa Gray for more information.
For more information about Moms in Prayer International, visit

Hot Dog Sunday!
All are welcome grab a quick lunch and visit and fellowship with one another after the worship gathering!

Christmas Eve Manger Offering
Oak Park is proud to support LifeLine Pregnancy Center. This fundraiser allows all age groups in our congregation to advance the cause of life in our community by filling baby bottles with cash, coin or check, or click here to make a direct donation. This annual fundraiser brings in 10% of LifeLine's annual income and helps provide free pregnancy tests, free limited ultrasounds, pregnancy options counseling, adoption referrals, pregnancy and parenting classes, post-abortion counseling, Healthy Choices for teens classes, as well as, most importantly, sharing of the Gospel to members of our community facing unplanned pregnancies. Thank you for supporting and praying for this ministry as it serves our neighbors here on the Central Coast.
LifeLine Pregnancy Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) serving the Five Cities Community for over 30 years. All donations are tax-deductible and go a long way in helping support our mission. Our organization is funded solely by individuals, businesses, churches, and fundraisers. We do not receive any government funding. Donations are always greatly appreciated and allow LifeLine Pregnancy Center to continue building relationships with families throughout the Five Cities Community, furthering our mission of helping in tangible, practical ways.

Women's Christmas Party
Special devotional, “Hope”, by Juanita Gunderson
$15 gift exchange (not white elephant)
Cookie Exchange (please bring a dozen)
Bring finger foods or appetizer to share
Please RSVP here or at the Events/Sign-Up table in the entryway.
Let us know if you need child care or a ride.
Invite a friend!

Young at Heart Christmas Party
Young at Heart Seniors MinistryChristmas Party
Special music program by Kindred Spirits
Potluck Lunch
Bill & Dotti Stebbins will provide a ham
Please bring side dishes to share
RSVP at the Events/Sign-Up table in the entryway.
Let us know what you’re bringing & if you need a ride, please!

OPCC "Holy-days" Save-the-dates
Thursday, Nov 28th, 6 pm, Thanksgiving Dinner
Tuesday, Dec 10th, 11 am - 1 pm, Young at Heart Seniors Ministry Christmas Party
Saturday, Dec 14th, 4 - 6 pm, Women’s Christmas Party
Sunday, Dec 15th, during the 10 am worship gathering, special music by OPCC’s Kids Ministries
Sunday, Dec 15th, 11:30 am - 1 pm, Congregational Meeting & Lunch
Saturday, Dec 21st, 8 - 9:30 am B3: Bible-Bacon-Brotherhood Men’s Breakfast
Saturday, Dec 21st, 5 - 7 pm, OPCC All Family Christmas Party
Tuesday, Dec 24th, 4 pm & 6 pm, Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
Tuesday, Dec 31st, 6 - 9 pm, New Year’s Eve East Coast Time
Tuesday. Dec 31st, 9 pm - midnight, New Year’s Eve West Coast Time
For more information or details, click here.

Thanksgiving Dinner
We’re thankful for you. Come Join us for Thanksgiving, fellowship, food and laughter!
All are welcome! You don’t have to bring anything just an appetite. If you would like to bring a dish let us know. Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly

(B)3: Bacon, Bible and Brotherhood Men's Breakfast
All men high-school-aged and older are invited to enjoy this monthly breakfast, building relationships, receiving sound biblical teaching, and enjoying plenty of bacon!

Peddlers' Fair
Spaces are available - $25/space
Proceeds benefit Camp Maddux and BStrong AGHS
For all Crafters * Home Businesses * Garage Sale Items * Antiques
To reserve your space contact Cindy Maddux at 805.710.7556

Fall Kick-Off & Youth Sunday
We’ll begin with our first Youth Sunday in years with our youth band leading the praise time and Pastor Ace giving the message. After the worship gathering, everyone is invited to our traditional Tri-Tip BBQ. Oak Park will provide the food (donations gratefully accepted). If you wish, bring a dessert to share.

The church building will be closed the week of July 29-August 1 for termite tenting. Dotti & Jackie will have the church phones and will monitor email throughout the day, so don't hesitate to reach out if you have a need. The building will reopen on Friday, August 2nd at 9 am.

All-Church BBQ & Fireworks
BBQ will be fired up and ready by 6 pm - bring your own meat to grill (there will be some burgers & dogs available too) and a side or dessert to share. At dusk, we'll have Oak Park's traditional fireworks extravaganza! Bring your lawn chairs and blankets (it can get cool after dark) and fireworks (legal ones please) to share! Contact the church office at or call/text 805.481.7091 with any questions.

Fireworks Booth
The Fireworks Booth is a great fundraiser for our youth, kids, and outreach ministries. It’s also a great way to get to know one another - folks you might not have a chance to get to know on Sunday mornings. Contact “Fire Queen” Jackie Corsiglia at 805.481.7091 if you’d like to help. Must be 18 years or older to handle fireworks, but there are lots of service opportunities for kids and teens.

G four (ce): God-Gals-Grace-Grub
G four(ce): God-Gals-Grace-Grub, Saturday June 1st, 10am – 2pm. A Psalm 23 Respite at Camp Maddux.

31 Days of Prayer - May 2024
Join us for corporate prayer every Friday in the month of May at Oak Park Christian Church. Come for a little bit or the whole time. Even if you don’t like praying out loud, come and agree with us! Encourage others to participate and pray for Christ’s Church! Unity in prayer!
Click here for the Prayer Calendar

31 Days of Prayer - May 2024
Join us for corporate prayer every Friday in the month of May at Oak Park Christian Church. Come for a little bit or the whole time. Even if you don’t like praying out loud, come and agree with us! Encourage others to participate and pray for Christ’s Church! Unity in prayer!
Click here for the Prayer Calendar

31 Days of Prayer - May 2024
Join us for corporate prayer every Friday in the month of May at Oak Park Christian Church. Come for a little bit or the whole time. Even if you don’t like praying out loud, come and agree with us! Encourage others to participate and pray for Christ’s Church! Unity in prayer!
Click here for the Prayer Calendar

31 Days of Prayer - May 2024
Join us for corporate prayer every Friday in the month of May at Oak Park Christian Church. Come for a little bit or the whole time. Even if you don’t like praying out loud, come and agree with us! Encourage others to participate and pray for Christ’s Church! Unity in prayer!
Click here for the Prayer Calendar

31 Days of Prayer - May 2024
Join us for corporate prayer every Friday in the month of May at Oak Park Christian Church. Come for a little bit or the whole time. Even if you don’t like praying out loud, come and agree with us! Encourage others to participate and pray for Christ’s Church! Unity in prayer!
Click here for the Prayer Calendar

Guys & Gals Bunco
Bring your favorite appetizer or finger food to share!
Bring a friend!
RSPV HERE (It helps up to set up enough tables!)

Family Lunch
Saturday, April 20th, 12-2 pm; Family Lunch. Be sure to sign up your family and join us for a taste of India. For more information, contact Abhi Martin, Family Life Intern at 805.668.9888.

Church Workday Saturday April

OPCC Peddlers Fair
Saturday, April 6th
8 am - 3 pm
Open to crafters, home businesses, antiques, and more!
$25 per space
Please Contact Cindy Maddux or the front office (805) 481-7091 to reserve your space.

Good Friday Worship Experience
A special experiential experience focusing on Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross . . . for us.

Participatory Passover Seder
Cyril Godon of Jewish Outreach International will lead us in participatory Passover Seder. Please let us know you’re coming so we can plan appropriately.